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How to improve the efficiency of the wire EDM spare parts
The article citations:    Editor:xy    Sentiment:1194    Published time:2014-03-03

   Several methods to improve the efficiency of the wire EDM spare parts, Kenos for your analysis, hoping to wire cut when we do we help to improve the efficiency of wire cut.
  Cutting efficiency affected by two factors, one wire ampacity (current), the second is the erosion cut seam matter can not be cleared, it is the role of conductive pulse energy consumed. In short, the total energy, energy efficiency is the cutting efficiency.
Molybdenum material industry for cutting-line fast walking wire machine for cutting efficiency typical of many test results show that the molybdenum wire ampacity reaches 150A/mm2, its tensile strength will be reduced to the original 1/3 ~ 1 / 4, when the current value is considered the limit for molybdenum wire carrier for cutting, in order to count them, Ф0.12 carrier 1.74A, Ф0.15 carrier 2.65A, Ф0.18 carriers that reach 3.82A molybdenum wire cutting limits. Further increase the carrying capacity, undoubtedly wire life will be short lived.
In the yarn speed 10 m / s, DX-1 oil coolant Beijing chemical plant, the cut thickness of ordinary steel, the width 32MS 50. Pulse to pulse when 200MS, with volume erosion matter to calculate the cutting efficiency was 5.8mm3 / minute. A. With this efficiency calculation, different thickness of molybdenum wire work area at maximum cutting efficiency ampacity for Ф0.12 --- 70.43mm2 / minute, Ф0.15 --- 90.41mm2 / min, such a calculation, silk warp plus You can increase the carrying capacity of crude, large current can be a corresponding increase in efficiency.

However, the rapid reciprocating go wire-cutting is not allowed (row silk, deflection, loss and other reasons) the wire diameter increased to 0.23 or more, and because of erosion exhaust speed limit, when the current is increased when the average 8A , the gap between the discharge short circuit or electric arc, to maintain the free short strong spark will also increase dramatically loss of molybdenum wire, the filament blindly thickening large current approach is not desirable.
Erosion material presented in the gap is the role of the resistance of the load, it shorted out part of the energy gap by providing the molybdenum wire, so when cutting thicker material, erosion is more difficult when the exhaust energy losses and more , will be less effective processing pulse discharge current into a linear load current, do not form processing but only heated molybdenum wire, which is the energy is mainly due to losses and broken wires.
  For two main reasons affect processing efficiency, improve processing speed should make the appropriate efforts in the following aspects:
       ① to increase the energy of individual pulses, i.e. the pulse amplitude and the peak current, the flow of the carrier so that the wire is not too large, the pulse interval should be increased accordingly, so that the average current will not increase too much.
  ② maintaining the dielectric constant and dielectric strength of the coolant, and maintaining a high cleaning ability explosive spark, so that a short circuit pulse erosion was reduced to a minimum.
  ③ wire guide wire system to improve the operation of mechanical precision, because the narrow slit go faster than wide, straight stitch sewing go faster than a line.
       ④ appropriate to improve wire speed, so that the wire speed up to the speed gap into the water, increasing the amount of water, erosion material more effectively discharged.
       ⑤ increase the water in the gap on the wire outside the envelope, that is to allow water from the wire-speed driven, the speed of the water from the cleaning effect of the gap is stronger.
  ⑥ improve the frequency tracking sensitivity, increased pulse utilization.
       ⑦ go wire to reduce motor commutation time, start faster, increasing the effective processing time.
       Final said: We can understand that in order to improve the efficiency of the wire EDM spare parts, is to strive to do all the work, do so out of line cutting point processing quality will be better, but made out of wire EDM spare parts the price will be more higher, the cutting efficiency is increased to 100 ~ 120mm2 / min may be, there is a practical significance, as the index raised even higher, at the expense of reliability and continuous processing time for consideration.

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