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Organize employee travel
The article citations:    Editor:69    Sentiment:1673    Published time:2013-05-18

To enrich the spiritual and cultural life of employees, promote employees' professional spirit, strengthen the team consciousness and the cohesive forces, on August 15, to August 13, nut, KENOS hardware technology co., LTD. Organize production line employees to collective tourism in hainan.
Hainan island charming sea water, white beach, the sunshine, the landscape of the underwater world and legendary minority amorous feelings make you linger. Here four spring-like flowers, fruits, sunshine, beach, sea water, air, and the sentimental charm of li and miao girl, is sending out the charm of this tropical island. Into the xinglong tropical botanical garden, and like open a book encyclopedia of tropical plants, the nature of those wonderful colorful here, famous rare, abound. Betelnut valley is hainan culture living fossil, the most pure ethnic culture "living museum" of hainan province. Walk the end of the world, facing the vast sea. Vast water orange garden, the smoke, why napa, coconut trees and stone forest ShuiTianYiSe. Infiltration in warm water, eating tropical fruit, enjoying the romance of the ends of the earth. South ShanSi mountain leaning, strewn at random have send, solemn and quiet quiet and tastefully laid out. If its business into the true guanyin bodhisattva of dojo.
The collective tourism, not only let employees appreciate the beautiful scenery of hainan, cheerful the soul, edify sentiment, also increase the cohesion of the staff, sense of honor and sense. All thanks to the company for the employee care, said to be more full of enthusiasm, more good state into work, and better to achieve company goal.


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