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Resins Information before Using
The article citations:    Editor:    Sentiment:2188    Published time:2015-05-11

Resins Information before Using

1. After opening, the resins expose to air for a long time will absorb carbon dioxide, thus affecting function and using. So use as soon as possible once removed the packages. The parts which not applicable should be sealed carefully, store in a cool, evades the light place, and 5-40℃ will be ok.
2. In transit, storage and stuffing, any inorganic substance or organic material can make resins polluted, then increase outflow and influence marketing operations and working conditions. In this case, should be sure any equipment and water used in filling and processing do not be polluted. And then be sure that all water contact with resins should use high purity water (all “high purity water “mentioned in this article mean the resistivity greater than or equal 100Mou.cm, and TOC as lower as 300ppb). All equipment and tools before contacting with resins should also be cleaned by high purity water.
3. If refueling resins, should remove all the old resins from containers completely. All resins containers must be clean without impurities.

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