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which will affect the surface of the wire -cutting machine
The article citations:    Editor:Tina    Sentiment:914    Published time:2013-10-27
which will affect the surface of the wire -cutting machine
Many users friends don't know how quiet understand which will affect the surface of the wire -cutting machine?In fact .there are many reasons .KENOS make up black people sort out.the hope can help you the cutting process make the machined sureface ubder the ionization heating and cooling process so the surface of the corresponding organization change will happen .From the table to the plating layer is in turn.
Hot melt layer metamorphic  layer and heat affected plating is mainly from cooling liquid of pyrolysis carbon black and liquid perticles suspended in the meal.Its thikness is about 0.05~1.5.attached to the surface is determineed by the principle of plating.plating layer is thin silk at the entrance to the kerf width and thickness at the exit.
Hot melt layer.:It was hot melt didn't splash into the coolant and survived after the part .have not the physical structure of the organization.it's hardness .strengh also far short.multidisc pile cutting the cutting seam .welding is that it's the thickness isn't about 0.1~5.
Metamorphic layer :it's heating by hot melt process but not to the point of condensation splash .but after heating condensation process is not the original metallographic structure of the organization .The original quenching hardness high may become soft.but no hardening and so would have the hardness strengh .high hardness may there fore cracks. metamorphic layer thickness is about .0.1~5.
 Heat affected layers:metamorphic layer transition to a substrate there will be a gradual process.which is heat affected layer .Dramatic change it didn't happen .but thicker about 5~20.it should be said said that the Foshan line accessories line surface change range is very small .a total of about 2~25.but also can not ignore some important occasions or at least should know the reason and consequences.for the follow-up.
 Many dongguan friends don't know where to find favorable wire cut components, KENOS  give you a satisfactory answer, foshan wire cut components, there are a lot of manufacturers , but to find favorable, strong, is the first, because of strong is their production, manufacture of thread cutting accessories, high quality, cheap and fine.
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