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Troubleshooting common line cutting
The article citations:    Editor:    Sentiment:1272    Published time:2013-09-18

First, the wire tube open no
 Inspection methods:
  1 First, see if there are relay , if the relay switch with pull wire cylinder release , you should check the three-phase power lines, wire tube is two -phase motor , the fuse is bad , the relay contacts are in good condition and so on.
  (2) If there is no relay , relay control circuit described in question , the relevant component has a. Wire cylinder switch button b. Machine emergency stop button c. Silk tube trip switch. Particular attention is my company's products on the controller also has an emergency stop button , if this button is pressed , the machine tool wire tube is not open , and the other in electrical machines board has a limit switch , only electrical machines board push in the end , the switch was turned on , the machine to work.
 Second, the wire tube without commutation
  Inspection methods: wire tube commutation involving wire cylinder limit switch and electrical machines in two ( or one ) relays, limit switches generally bad , more likely, as long as the trip switch can, pay attention , limit switch top two for the wire tube commutation , commutation for only the third high-frequency ( some models do not ) , the fourth stop switch only
Third, according to the pump switch ( or press the high frequency switching ) machine full stop
 Inspection methods:
1 . I connected with a broken wire on the machine stop function , according to the pump switch ( or high-frequency switching ) , you must first put molybdenum wire, molybdenum wire machine that wearing broken wire , which immediately shut down .
 2 . Broken wire stop line connected to the introduction of a seat, the introduction must be metal introduction, or if the line is broken into a ceramic guide pulley rotation to die .
 3 . Broken wire stop plate in electrical machines board , the board has two transistors, generally more easily broken, can be replaced by model
Four , machine X, Y carriage ( or U, V carriage ) are out of step
Inspection methods:
1 . This condition is usually caused by the stepper motor 24V power is low , check whether lapsed 10000uf electrolytic capacitor , 24V rectifier bridge pile if there are problems .
2 . If external power is low can also cause loss of synchronism , check the controller into the power is normal, may be considered with 220V regulator.
Fifth, a pallet machine does not go out of step or jitter inspection methods :
1 . Swapping annular driver board driver board to determine whether the problem driver board if there is a problem generally board 3DD 15A or 3DK106B broken.
2 . SBC observed on stepper motor indicator , a direction has three lights flash alternately runtime , if a lamp always lit or dark , indicating SBC have problems, check the interface board 3DK2B or 74LS08 chip or chip SBC PIO damage.
3 . Bottom of the controller has a row of enamel resistors for the stepper motor current limiting resistor, if only the resistance of a wire is broken or the head contact is not good, can also cause loss of step or do not go .
4 . Stepper motor may also be a problem, can exchange for judgment
Six , no high-frequency Inspection methods:
 1 . High frequency power supply is powered on , there is a high frequency relay with wire tube commutation action, or some machine has a high frequency power supply check button , you can check if there is high-frequency problem, first check the oscillation board, driver board work voltage is normal , not normal, power board problem , high-frequency driver board generally in exchange for a few groups can judge good and bad .
  2 . Commutation relay has a normally closed contact in series in the high frequency control loop, if no frequency is not good , and some have a specialized machine commutation frequency switching off , check it.
 3 . SBC 3DK106 B interface board has a high-frequency output control , and check for damage.
Seven , manual does not go away automatically
 Inspection methods:
  1 . First, determine whether there is high frequency , allowing the workpiece and molybdenum wire touch, there is no problem with high frequency spark explanation , no spark then are no high-frequency , refer to the above solution .
  2 . Work piece clamp has two leads , thick high pressure ( ie, high frequency output ) , for sampling the input of fine lines, this line is broken automatically


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