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Qing Hong machining conditions explained
The article citations:    Editor:    Sentiment:951    Published time:2013-09-18

NO processing conditions Number
IP machining mode and enhancement circuit switching (0-10) IP = 10 for the AC high-energy processing, IP = 9 is AC low energy process, generally used for the processing of copper less than 0.1mm, can also be used as finishing, However, the larger roughness. IP = 1-8 for the finishing circuit, the smaller the value the more energy is weak, but the roughness of the cut out lower. 0.2mm line with an example: rough cut 10 Shuichi 10, Shuji 4-5. Rough cut 10 Shuichi 10, Shuji 6-7, Shuzo 3-4.
OV machining voltage (1-32)
50V-140V can be adjusted between the larger this value, the more stable electronic circuit easier continuous line, the faster, but the greater the machining gap, normally only in the case of sheet or plate obvious role , plate increase, decrease sheets, OV liter along with it have a grid voltage 3-5V changes. 0.2 The line, for example: Rough Cut tinkering 16-18 13-15 18-22 refinement

ON discharge time (1-24)

AON short discharge time (1-16)

ON as controlling the discharge current size, AON auxiliary control the discharge current size, the greater the value the greater the current, the faster the greater roughness. Refinement, the two do not work, the finishing loop control. 0.2mm line in example: ON tinkering coarse cut 13-15 6-8 2-4 AON rough cut, rough repair 2 or 3, the general AON = 1/2ON, but it should be adjusted according to actual situation.

OFF: discharge quiescent time (4-50)

AOFF short rest time (4-50)

To 0.2mm line as an example: OFF coarse cut 8-10 tinkering OFF 10 AOFF generally equal.

SV servo reference voltage (16-75) This parameter is used in the cutting servo feed, set the electrode gap discharge voltage or prevent the processing of fast phenomena caused by short circuits. Often used knife 34-45 40-55 38-42 two knives

SG servo sensitivity adjustment (1-99) This parameter is used to adjust the tracking servo voltage situation, the greater its value, the stronger follow reflect the faster processing speed, but this value can not add too large to avoid roughness affected the general SV and SG with the use of the SV values should be used when the voltage value on the table close to.



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