Home > Trade News and Trends > General procedure of cleaning and replacing power feed contacts
General procedure of cleaning and replacing power feed contacts
The article citations:    Editor:Vicki    Sentiment:1010    Published time:2014-02-27

  How to clean and replace power feed contacts of wire cut EDM machine. Today Kenos tells you the general procedure of cleaning and replacing power feed contacts, hoping it can help you to solve the problem in EDM working. Below it’s the procedure:
  First, make sure the EDM machine is power off. Second, use water to clean the removed parts and inter cavity. Third, the wire guide tip need to be cleaned in an ultrasonic condition or use commercial gemstones cleaner to clean, or place them in weak acids liquid steeping a moment to reach cleaning and them rinse with water, especially for cleaning the inside pomp. Fourth, when wire breaks, need to clean the upper and lower power feed contacts and swapped power feed contacts position, sweeping the side of power feed contacts 4×90° can be used. Fifth cleaning the tank of wire cut EDM machine. Replaced water inside the tank every six months and the tank must be cleaned the dirt inside every six months. More information about wire cut EDM power feed contacts and wire EDM supplies please concern Kenos official website.


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