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EDM wire cut accessories procurement
The article citations:    Editor:Tina    Sentiment:1267    Published time:2013-11-13
As China joined in WTO, " EDM wire cut accessories" boom encouraged more and more of the world's top brands have stop to China and the Chinese market growing demand for high performance EDM wire cut accessories procurement personnel, set up purchasing center in China, the EDM wire cut  accessories market, the cause of China's purchasing on a heavy sum. At the same time, all enterprises and institutions to purchase demand, up from ordinary purchasing management system, a comprehensive procurement and supply chain management senior talented person's demand. Has a relatively comprehensive system theory knowledge and practical ability of professional procurement personnel become a powerful guarantee for enterprises to participate in the competition.The kind of EDM wire cut accessories are so many , therefore, country is very strict with EDM wire cut accessories procurement . To the wire cut accessories procurement personnel has enroled one of the country shortage personnel .but the purchase education is almost brank out in the national series education .For this reason.the problem of the procurement personnel and the supply will be stand out day by day.
According to the national demand for EDM wire cut accessories procurement reflect: even the buyers demand is so high, so KENOS. into production is without a doubt the production more high quality products, strives for the survival by the quality, and purchasing to establish mutual trust relations of cooperation.
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