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How to choose a good Charmilles wire EDM consumables
The article citations:    Editor:    Sentiment:2150    Published time:2014-05-19

    In order to achieve higher precision production requirements, we are always looking for better equipment to make better Charmilles wire EDM consumables, how to choose a good buyer Charmilles wire EDM consumables? This question is crucial , because good wire cut consumables  long life, more sophisticated processed products , increased production also doubled , but also reduce the cost ; How to choose a good Charmilles wire EDM consumables First ? we first understand the basic principles of EDM wire electrical discharge machining , EDM wire EDM with copper as a tool electrode , applying a pulse voltage 60 ~ 300V between copper and copper alloys , such as steel or superhard material to be machined and holding 5 ~ 50um gap , the gap is filled with kerosene , water and other insulating medium between the electrode and the workpiece to be a spark discharge , and each is consumed , corrosion pitting on the surface of numerous pits, NC -controlled by the monitoring and control , servo bodies, so that the discharge phenomenon is uniform , the workpiece is processed so as to make it a desirable size and shape of the precision wire walking accessories .

In summary , we can see our equipment can fully meet the requirements to make high -quality Charmilles wire EDM consumables, such as Charmilles wire guides ,Is very small, to very high precision requirements , it is important for device selection , so buyers how to choose a good Charmilles wire EDM consumables, machinery and equipment is considered the first choice !

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