Home > BMF News > The features of special paper and paper folding low speed wire EDM filters
The features of special paper and paper folding low speed wire EDM filters
The article citations:    Editor:Vicki    Sentiment:948    Published time:2014-01-19
Many people have ever use special paper and paper folding low speed wire EDM filters, but how many people know the features of special paper and paper folding low speed wire EDM filters, Kenos will tell you the features of special paper and paper folding low speed wire EDM filters below. Special paper and paper folding Low speed wire EDM filter, in addition to making the filter with efficient impurities filtration rate and powerful ability to scale capacity, but also to ensure the filter has a longer life.
1. Filtering accuracy in the range of 3-5 μ m
2. The low speed wire EDM filters have longer life than other products significantly
3. To Deion with excellent filtration from beginning to end
4. Special origami techniques and ways to make it great filtration area and efficiency.
5. Stringent production and quality inspection to ensure that each filter has a stable and durable quality
6 There are available in various sizes and specifications to meet customer requirements for different machine types
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