Home > BMF News > What’s the secret of using diamond wire guides well?
What’s the secret of using diamond wire guides well?
The article citations:    Editor:Vicki    Sentiment:950    Published time:2013-12-24

I believe many of my friends did not know much on diamond wire guides, and how much do you know diamond wire guides? Do you know what diamond wire guides used to do? When you use a diamond wire guides what you need to pay attention to? Which place process diamond wire guides best? Do you want to know the secret of using diamond wire guides ?Are these you know? Have to really know? KENOS writer tells you below.
Before saying the secret of using diamond wire guides, I start by a simple to explain, so you can make an initial understanding of the diamond wire guides, and simply to say diamond wire guides with metal wire drawing dies, it uses very hard and wear-resistant metal to product. And the principle of using diamond wire guides is wire through small aperture and guide to the narrow scope gradually to extend the pull. Simple isn’t it? Kenos is the most professional one in Dongguan diamond wire guides.
As a manufacturer, our aim is quality of survival, reputation and development, so loved by many users as our professional. Our Mitsubishi Diamond Wire Guides custom - KENOS, your wisest decision!
     Here to share with you some trade secrets. What’s the secret of using diamond wire guides well?
     ① Note stretch silk equipment must be installed securely, not vibration;
     ② Please do not impact on diamond wire guides, pay attention to its fixation;
     ③ control the use of lubricants completely;
     ④ determine the amount of wire extend of the reference in the repair process.


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